1.32.1 (2020-03-17)

  • Thermostats reflect state of heating/cooling in the home

  • Change room by pressing room name on home screen

  • Temperature value is now displayed on thermostat favorites

  • Driver improvements

  • Added default icon for Cable TV


[BEAR-3794] - NEEO - Current temp persists on the Comfort experience icon when the thermostat is disconnected from the network

[BEAR-3918] - NEEO - Thermostat: "Hold: value" when selecting the options for Hold, Fan, and Preset

[BEAR-3975] - Only enable button when there is an icon/action in buttons_only template

[BEAR-3994] - The thermostat is showing a temperature when the thermostat is offline

[BEAR-3749] - NEEO - the slider isn't continuous when slowly ramp to the desired level

[BEAR-2119] - TR-3 - MSP: Unable to open Wireless Music Bridge via Active Media

[BEAR-2541] - Time out when loading MyMusic artists list

[BEAR-3345] - Can not paginate after "Try Again" in error

[BEAR-3542] - NEEO - Wireless Music Bridge: "Selecting...Please wait" when clicked on the DEVICES tab

[BEAR-3758] - NEEO - Slider not reflecting the correct level when tapped/slid to the desired level for Dimmer Load Group when loads are in sync

[BEAR-3759] - Neeo Remote returns 'Please Wait' on certain MSP drivers

[BEAR-2348] - Clicking on menu should not select only ui button

[BEAR-2544] - TR-3 - Thermostat: "Fan Mode" instead of "Fan"

[BEAR-2611] - TR-3 (NEEO) - Turning off the room's session by other navigators forces the remote back to the Room Main page.

[BEAR-3521] - NEEO - Sharing: room's name shifts slightly upward when selected

[BEAR-3750] - NEEO - name of the device isn't visible when browsing Watch list with 1 watch device

[BEAR-3751] - NEEO - page error when pressing the Back soft button from Listen with only one MSP

[BEAR-3755] - NEEO - "Adding Neeo Remotes is lo..." when Add Remote is locked

[BEAR-3784] - on selection of an AV UIbutton, remote should exit watch/listen menu

[BEAR-3867] - NEEO - A gray line appears on top of the screen when opening/closing the Diagnostics window

[BEAR-3556] - NEEO - Amazon Music: only able to see the first 31 results when browsing the MSP

[BEAR-3761] - Missing default icon for cable.c4i

[BEAR-3783] - Remote Hub driver sends uirequests for every room when director is being shut down

[BEAR-3787] - NEEO - Comfort: The two dashes persist after removing the pre-identified thermostat from the project.

[BEAR-3788] - NEEO - Comfort: the current temp overlaps the flame/flake

[BEAR-3789] - NEEO - Comfort: no indication when the thermostat is heating/cooling

[BEAR-3792] - NEEO - Comfort: Blue/orange ring when the mode is set to OFF from heat/cool/auto mode

[BEAR-2757] - Popup text cut off

[BEAR-3426] - Fix change project file on controller, remote still displays homescreen from previous config

[BEAR-3725] - NEEO - Lighting: Page Error when clicked on the Scene favorite when there's no scene in the project